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Will the subscription automatically cancel upon deleting the account?

No, the subscription needs to be canceled first, and then you may delete the account.
Deleting the account will not cancel the subscription automatically.

You can easily cancel your trial or monthly subscription. Below are two different ways you can cancel it. 

1) If you subscribed from within the app using iTunes auto-renewing subscription

1. Open App Store on your iPad
2. At the bottom of the page, tap the "Sign In" button and login using your Apple ID.
3. After logging in tap “Apple ID: <your account>” and you will see a pop-up.
4. Tap "View Apple ID".
5. Main Account pop up will appear. Scroll down and tap "Manage App Subscriptions".
6. An app subscriptions page will appear with all your subscriptions. Please tap “Kids Learning Program”
7. Here you can turn off “Auto-Renewal” so your subscription is cancelled.

Official Apple instructions can be found at

2) If you subscribed from our online portal

1. Login to our online portal at
2. Click “Account” on the top menu
3. On the Accounts’ page, you will see a button that says “Cancel Subscription”, click it to cancel.

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