Bigger vs Smaller or More vs Less
Kids need to understand BIG vs SMALL or MORE vs LESS to grasp the early concepts of increasing or decreasing values.... counting and math are all keyed on this initial concept.
Can you make a VERY SIMPLE game that introduces the concept
Which is MORE? Which is LESS!? Which is BIGGER? Which is SMALLER??
Lavern commented
My son had been struggling with the concept of greater and less than and more activities to support which is more or less, bigger or smaller , greater or less than would be great! It would totally support world wide common core standards.
AdminAnsaria (Support Guru, Agnitus) commented
Sorry for a late response but we have introduced a Size Comparison game. The goal of this game is to teach kids about size and numbers. We are also working on new games to teach kids about less/more or bigger/smaller using shapes. Hopefully they will be available by end of Oct.