Auto time-out option for individual games (in settings?) for if they're just not getting it
Sometimes my son will struggle for ages with a game where he has just reached his level for now. I have disabled the exit button (using Guided Access) so he can't opt out that way, as I have noted that if he chooses which game to play it doesn't seem to record his achievements, only if he follows the programmed play. Sometimes he would be fine with every other game but is just limited in one curriculum area.
Specific eg, he struggles with the lily pad game now he gets groups of 8 & 9 fish. With time he'll get there, so I want him to play it, and to get onto the next game in the sequence, but at the moment it just stays on that game for ages, until he just gets fed up and walks away.
Maybe I've got it wrong as I see another comment asking for more time...